There are times I enjoy hummus, pure and simple. Then, there are days I confuse the recipe for pizza.
Previous Posts
Sweet Potato Quinoa Bowl
It was love at first bite. LOVE I say.
I edit pictures of a sweet potato quinoa bowl and see her face. I open a post and all I think about are the cute things she used to say. These are the stories that placed me where I am today. Like being around a table, food and sharing go hand in hand. My mom…
Blackberry Orange Mint Pie
Berries, lemon, and zest, a trifecta. And for good reason. Especially in bright and cheery months. But the truth is, I’m struck by another.
Vegetable Chow Mein
Our family get togethers rotate between Portuguese and Chinese cuisine. My mom woks a wicked chow mein. While she and I vary in recipe style, we agree, there’s nothing like home cooked.
Blueberry Power Greens Smoothie
How do you like your smoothie? I tried different ways, but only have eyes for one.
Cheesecake Cookies
I was thirteen. In walked my dad’s girlfriend with a new cookbook, a jungle gym for my best friend and my all night baking adventures.
Parchment – A New Me. A New You?
How many of you like to parchment a pan? Yeah, me neither. Find inspiration and create a recipe, love. Shop for ingredients, severe like. Think about parchment, procrastinate. Mix ingredients, L.O.V.E. Impending parchment, oh zen. I need you. Thank God my sous chef is usually here and up for the task. If not, I sometimes…
Oatmeal Apricot Golden Raisin Cookie
For the first time, my last year’s Christmas party meal was lackluster. That is, until the cookie tray.
Chocolate Cinnamon Espresso Tart
/ You never forget your first love. Mine was unexpected, bold, and brilliant. Too much for most, but never me.